The quality of the vaginal discharge — a significant indicator of women's health, which has made it possible to judge the presence or absence of those or other diseases. Modern medicine distinguishes the different types of secretions, some of which are the norm, and the other symptoms is an infectious or inflammatory process. Let's look at a little – female lube.
The female lubrication

Natural mucus is a clear color, which is given to the female genital organs, the so-called vaginal mucus.
I have a very complex composition: it consists of the mobile phone, as well as the liquid ingredients; special mucus produced by glands located in the epithelium of the vagina, uterus; and the white blood cells of certain types of microbes.
The last in the absence of diseases, the diseases include the minimum number, but the infection is the number is increasing, and the changing nature of.
The Grease issued constantly, but when aroused, the amount increases several times. First, it is a natural lubricant which protects the casing from mechanical damage during intercourse. Secondly, it contains a number of substances, which protects the female body and penetration of infections.
The stimulation of the walls of the vagina is rich in a rush, the blood vessels dilate, and the "sweat" because, in the vagina, small droplets of liquid. This is the natural lubricant.
In healthy women, vaginal lubrication — not too thick, a transparent substrate without any noticeable smell and color.
In some cases, color may change, for example, to later intercourse, it becomes more dense, milky white.
The appearance of the grease, the texture is not obliged to left the woman unattended: timely detection of changes allows you to quickly detect pathology of the reproductive systems of the body.
That sexual intercourse affects the distribution of
On average, the moisture, the walls of the vagina begin after approximately 10-15 seconds later, it started intense stimulation of erogenous zones or strong spiritual awakening.
This serves as a way to tell the signs that the woman is ready to join the penis partner.
After the introduction of the natural lubricant, I do not cease to produce, on the contrary, its number rises. Maximum lubrication, in a given period, the orgasm. Later on, decline the excitation of the selection are coming back.
It is interesting that the only natural lubricant available true sign of female arousal -, tea -, it is impossible to simulate, or to falsify.
Because getting semen in the vagina can change the color settings. Thick vaginal lubrication, white color, a characteristic result of the unprotected intercourse. Thus, the excess semen is leaving.
If you use a condom, or the termination of sexual intercourse the allocation will be thick, but the texture will be creamy, more and viscosity.
If the discharge suddenly changed the color or consistency to a sexual act, or, in their absence, to be sure, the test, the gynecologist.
Causes of poor vaginal lubrication education

If the body produces too little of the conventional lubricant, the result is different: the genitals are increasingly sensitive bacteria, pathogens, as well as the sexual act is accompanied by a strong, unpleasant feeling.
Harmful lack of the secretions of the woman in the sexual partner: if the excessive vaginal dryness can happen, fracture, or injury to the frenulum of the penis.
Which can lead to a decrease in the secretion?
- Hormonal, or some other pharmaceutical preparations;
- Constantly a stressed state, the most powerful sensitive, physical overload;
- Sexually transmitted diseases, infectious processes. In this case a woman should pay attention to what it looks like vaginal fluid: what color, what smell, thick or liquid;
- Hormonal imbalance;
- Diseases of the organs of the reproductive and urinary system;;
- Insufficient arousal before sex, diseases desire;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Pathology of the nervous system;
- During the suckling period.
As you can see, lots of reasons. In all cases, it is impossible to heal – always ask for support, advice of a gynecologist. Later, a full medical examination to allow you to correctly diagnose pathology and to appoint effective treatment.
If a humble distribution of vaginal secretions, the details of the body in certain women, partners are encouraged to apply unnatural lubricants, which is available in any pharmacy.
If regular grease is too heavy
In most cases, the phenomena causing the discomfort, the psychological predisposition, the woman could be ashamed of a strong river, it is for this reason that he rejects sex.
In addition, some ignorant people think high humidity is the woman's vagina is a clear indication of immoral women, or even the infidelity.
In fact, the operation of the discharge a sign of a healthy desire and a typical reaction to his erection.
To cope with the problem help, you'll have consultation sexologist or therapist, not a gynecologist.